75 Animals That Start With Q
1. Quagga
Quaggas were animals that once lived in Africa until they were hunted to the point of extinction in the late 1800s.
They were a subspecies of plains zebra that were shorter and had a unique fur pattern.
Quaggas were brown with white stripes with a pattern that would become a blur of light brown and white fur.
2. Qinling Panda
Qinling Pandas get their name from the mountains that they are found on.
They are light brown in color and are smaller than traditional pandas.
Due to the limited range that these pandas live in, they are extremely rare.
Sadly, there are only about 200 to 300 left in the wild currently.
3. Qafqaz Qonuru
Qafqaz qonuru is a breed of Azerbaijani cow that is one of many variations of the Caucasian Brown cow.
They are descendants of Egyptian cows, crossed with the Brown Swiss cow.
Qafqaz qonuru are typically used as either work animals or for their milk.
These cows are rarely raised for their meat because it is of such poor quality.
4. Quelea
Quelea are easy to distinguish between males and females.
Males have bright red faces, with a black diamond-shaped mask around the eyes.
Females will have a more neutral tone of brown and less distinctive features.
These birds mostly live in solidarity in the savannas of Africa.
5. Quahog
Quahogs are a type of clam that inhabit the east coast of North America, all the way from Canada to Florida.
These clams can range in size from one inch to four inches.
They use a specialized filtration system for eating, with which they filter water for picking out nutrients.
Through this process, the quahogs can eat bacteria and even cleanse themselves of pollutants.
6. Queensland Toadfish
Toadfish from Queensland are commonly called smooth toadfish and can be found along the southern coast of Australia and northern Tasmania.
They appear in relatively shallow waters in bays.
These fish contain toxins harmful to humans and cannot be eaten.
7. Queenslander
The Queenslander is a fairly new variety of cows that descend from Red Brahman and Droughtmaster cattle.
They are a reddish-brown, and have a paler pink nose, thanks to their ancestry.
These cattle are bred for enduring the harsher conditions of South Australia and are tick-resistant.
The bulls of this breed are known for having a very mild temperament.
8. Queen Victoria Riflebird
Queen Victoria Riflebirds are indigenous to Queensland, Australia, and they stay there all year round.
They prefer to stay in rainforests, near the edges of eucalyptus forests.
For a Riflebird’s diet, they will either eat flower nectar or fruit.
When eating fruit, the bird will hold it with one foot, while peeling the skin off with its beak.
9. Queretaran Dusky Rattlesnake
The Queretaran dusky rattlesnake can be found in high altitudes of around 14,000 feet in Mexico.
Their diet includes smaller mammals along with other reptiles.
Queretaran dusky rattlesnakes can be found in very wooded areas with plenty of rock faces.
They have been known to mate with other snake types and produce hybrid offspring.
10. Queen Charlotte Goshawk
The Queen Charlotte goshawk is an endangered bird of prey that can only be found in British Columbia and Southeast Alaska.
These birds of prey can be found in the coastal rainforests, which are unlike typical rainforests.
They like to place their nests in the high pine trees that grow in their rainforests.
11. Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing
Queen Alexandra’s birdwing is the largest butterfly currently alive.
These butterflies come from Papua New Guinea, and their habitats include open forests and plains.
The males are smaller and more angular than the females but display bright bluish-green colors.
However, the females are much larger and rounder but in shades of brown.
12. Queen Angelfish
Queen angelfish live in Atlantic waters near Bermuda and South America.
They tend to stay around coral reefs but explore channels and near-shore shallows.
The young ones are deep shades of blue with accents of yellow and iridescent blues with more yellow as they age.
Queen angelfish enjoy eating sea invertebrates and bacteria such as algae.
13. Quail-plover
The quail-plover is a bird that lives in dry grasslands, savannahs, and scrubby environments.
These birds eat many potentially harmful insects across Africa.
At night, the quail-plover will make a low whistling call, due to its partially nocturnal nature.
Instead of visiting its favorite watering hole, the quail-plover gets all the moisture it needs from the insects it eats.
14. Queensland Lungfish
The Queensland lungfish is a fish from the east side of Australia and is found mostly in rivers.
These strange fish have a single lung, which is an evolutionary adaptation to help survive Australia’s dry seasons.
When water gets too low, they use this lung to breathe oxygen.
The Queensland lungfish is the only lungfish of six types to only have one lung instead of two.
15. Quillback Carpsucker
Quillback Carpsuckers live in clear water environments, but they prefer slow-moving streams.
Unlike other carpsuckers that tend to stay in rapid waters, this carpsucker can be found in calm lakes.
These fish are small and larger than a few inches on average.
They live long lives for fish, most living up to 11 years old.
16. Quino Checkerspot Butterfly
The Quino Checkerspot Butterfly is a type of butterfly found in a couple of areas in Southern California and the northern part of the Baja California peninsula in Mexico.
Their natural habitats are usually more open spaced vegetative areas with no parasitic plants nearby.
They will normally fly lower to the ground and will fly miles between populations.
17. Queensland Yellowtail Angelfish
The Queensland Yellowtail Angelfish is most commonly found along the east coast of Australia.
Similar to other angelfish, this angelfish has the signature stout preopercular spine.
These fish get their name from the prominent yellow tail fin, which contrasts with its dark blue, black, and white scales.
18. Queretaran Desert Lizard
The Queretaran Desert Lizard is indigenous to the deserts of northern Mexico and the southeastern United States.
They have the ability to change color based on temperature with the lizard’s color darkens when temperatures lower and brightens when the weather gets warmer.
During the summer, the Queretaran Desert Lizard can lay up to 24 eggs that take no more than three months to hatch.
19. Quarab
Quarabs are horses bred from American Quarter horses and Arabian horses.
Although it may sound simple, the ratio of Quarter Horse to Arabian matters a substantial amount.
You are able to see different prominent features across the different mixtures of breeds.
There are primarily three types of quarabs, based on looks and strengths.
20. Qianzhousaurus
The Qianzhousaurus was a relative of the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex and is native to China.
It was a medium-sized dinosaur, but that meant it was capable of higher speeds of travel.
This made it much easier for the Qianzhousaurus to outrun its predators and catch its prey with ease.
The protruding snout was its most prominent feature, as it wasn’t as bulky as a Tyrannosaur.
Their jawbones weren’t as large, and they had smaller teeth.
21. Queensland Tube-Nosed Bat
The Queensland tube-nosed bat can be found in the rainforests along the Queensland coast in Northeastern Australia.
Their bright yellow coats help them blend in with the local flora.
In a year, a breeding female will have a single baby during the months of October through December.
These bats may be hunted by owls, tree snakes, and feral cats, but one of their biggest threats is barbed wire fences.
22. Queen Conch
Queen Conch can be found in seabed habitats, near coral reefs.
They feed on algae and decaying materials.
These conches live to be about 40 years old in the wild.
There has been a decline in the number of Queen Conches in recent years caused by overfishing and predation threatening their population.
They are highly sought after for their meat.
23. Queen Of Sheba’s Gazelle
The Queen of Sheba’s Gazelle is an extinct species that once called Yemen home.
Biologists originally had only a few bones of the elusive species in 1951, but their bones weren’t recognized until 1985.
Some people were able to get a few photos of the species before they completely died out sometime during the late 1970s or the early 1980s.
24. Quarry Worm Salamander
The Quarry Worm Salamander is only found in specific mountain ranges in Costa Rica.
The areas on these mountains they’re indigenous to are usually rainforests.
These amphibians have no lungs, but instead, use their mouths and absorbent skin.
They are semi-aquatic and make homes on riverbanks made of moss.
25. Queen Parrotfish
The queen parrotfish is just as vibrant and colorful as the parrots that fly through the sky.
Their coral reef environment is just as bright as they are.
Queen parrotfish only become more colorful as they age.
When they’re young, they’re more of a brownish color.
Sadly, their color scales make them an easy target to notice, and the queen parrotfish has become a favorite meal of sharks.
26. Qiupalong
The Qiupalong is a bipedal dinosaur, first found in the Henan province, China.
Although similar samples of dinosaurs have been found in places like Canada, their true dimensions remain a mystery.
The partial skeletal remains have only been found as recently as 2011.
With what is known, they share similar foot bones with other fast-running dinosaurs of the time.
27. Quindio Glass Frog
The Quindio glass frog is a vulnerable species that is at risk of extinction.
These tiny frogs can be found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Due to the increase in human development, the Quindio glass frog has lost much of its native habitat.
This has left them with the proper environment for their prey to exist in and for them to be able to properly hide from predators.
28. Queensland Legless Lizard
The Queensland Legless Lizard is also known as Burton’s Snake Lizard, due to its lack of legs.
This lizard does not pose as much of a threat as a snake would since it has no fangs.
They are also known to run away from humans upon contact, most of the time.
Their diet consists of smaller legless reptiles and snakes.
29. Quaker Parrot
Quaker parrots are some of the friendliest species of parrots that you can adopt.
These bright green parrots are able to live for 20 to 30 years.
However, there have been many examples of them living past 30 years of age.
Quaker parrots bond closely with their owners for the decades they spend together, which makes them an even larger commitment.
When these parrots lose their owners, they can become anxious, aggressive, or even self-destructive.
30. Queensland Giant Grouper
The Queensland Giant Grouper can be found along Australia’s coastline, but it’s extremely uncommon to find in the northeast and southeast.
They grow to be nearly nine feet long at maximum size and get to this size by consuming mostly crayfish.
There are some reports of this fish attacking humans, but none of the reports have been conclusively proven.
31. Qinchuan Cattle
The qinchuan cattle have become a popular breed all over the world.
These cows do create 189 gallons of milk during a 210-day period, but they’re normally raised for their juicy meat.
Qinchuan cattle are named after their native homeland of the Qichuan Plains in China.
The cows have been bred there as far back as 800 B.C.
32. Queen Triggerfish
Queen Triggerfish get their name from their dorsal fin, which can be moved as an evasive tactic.
When threatened, the Triggerfish will swim to small openings and pop its dorsal fin into place.
This is so that the predator can’t remove it from safety.
Their brightly colored skin is used in some villages in Brazil to create traditional medicine.
33. Qiaowanlong
The qiaowanlong was a massive dinosaur that was found in the Yujinzi Basin in China.
They are the Asian relatives of the brachiosaurus.
These herbivores walked the Earth during the Cretaceous period.
Qiaowanlongs are thought to be nearly 40 feet in length and over 22 feet in height.
The discovery of this dinosaur is more recent, and it wasn’t even named until 2009.
34. Quick Step Robber Frog
The quick step robber frog is an endangered frog that was known for living in Cockpit County, Jamaica.
Normally, they live in the wet forests that have low elevations and plenty of limestone.
Due to the expansion for commercial areas, like hotels or resorts, the quick step robber frog has lost much of their homeland and their population.
35. Quadrisectus
The quadrisectus is a genus of wasps, which includes the four-toothed mason wasp.
These wasps prefer to live alone, rather than living in a hive.
Like many other members of their genus, the four-toothed mason wasp females will lay a single egg each year that is packed with the nutrients.
This increases the survivability of the hatchlings.
36. Quedenfeldtia Moerens
Quedenfeldtia moerens is more commonly known as the Atlas Day Gecko.
This is a gecko that is suited for cold, rocky environments.
The quedenfeldtia moerens live high up in the Atlas Mountains, and seem to breed mostly in the spring and summer.
It’s also hypothesized that the coloration on their underside may determine dominance.
37. Quetzalcoatlus
The quetzalcoatlus is the largest creature to ever take to the sky.
These massive flying reptiles were as tall as giraffes and filled the North American skies during the Late Cretaceous period.
They had thin wings and massive heads.
Quetzalcoatlus was a predator, but it was also preyed on by larger dinosaurs.
38. Quipanykus
The quipanykus was a genus of dinosaur that had short, thick claws on their forelimbs.
They would use these claws to punch holes in the eggs of other dinosaurs and eat whatever they found inside.
The fossils of dinosaurs from the quipanykus genus were named after the place they were found, the Qiupa Formation in China.
39. Qinghai Lake Toad
Qinghai Lake toads can be found in the ponds and rivers all over China, but they are best known for their habitat in Qinghai Lake.
For a long time, the Qinghai Lake toad was just considered to be a different type of Tibetan toad.
Now, they are seen as a separate species.
Despite being a beloved breed of frog, they are losing their homes to the expansion of agricultural and residential development.
40. Quebrada Valverde Salamander
Quebrada Valverde salamanders are a species of concern that come from Costa Rica.
These salamanders are lungless and use their skin to breathe, rather than needing lungs.
Lungs would only fill up with air, which would cause the salamander to float or have food dislodged from its mouth.
Instead, they use permeable skin to get the oxygen they need.
41. Queensland Dottyback
Queensland dottybacks are beautiful ocean fish that are easy to distinguish males from females.
Males are cherry red, while females are a gentle shade of blue.
These carnivorous fish eat a combination of other marine fish, crustaceans, and clams.
Queensland dottybacks are known for being aggressive and territorial with other aquatic creatures, from fish to mantis shrimps.
42. Qatgani
The qatgani horse was first bred in Afghanistan and is popular within the region, but little is known about them due to the limited access people have to them.
They were named after the province they’re from, the Qataghan province.
On average, the qatgani weigh about 1,025 pounds and they’re known for being resilient and sturdy.
They were raised for their riding abilities to help calm these energetic horses.
43. Quail Finch
The quail finch lives up to its name thanks to its quail-like coloration, but finch-like features.
Males will have a dark coloration with a colorful beak while females will resemble a rounder finch, with their lighter coloration and dark beaks.
You can find these birds near water all over Africa.
They hunt for bugs in neighboring grasslands or other open spaces.
44. Queensland Rat-Kangaroo
The Queensland rat-kangaroo is an endangered species of kangaroo rat and are called Bettongs in their homeland of Australia.
Many species of rat-kangaroos are now at risk of extinction.
Human settlements bring pets, such as dogs and cats, that will attack and kill any trespassing animal they see.
These nocturnal creatures are often killed by pet or feral cats.
45. Queen Snapper
The queen snapper is the massive relative of the red snapper that can be found in the Gulf of Mexico.
However, these fish have also been found in the waters near North Carolina, Brazil, and Bermuda.
The oldest queen snapper ever raised was 10 years old.
They are done growing by the time they reach one to two years old.
The heaviest one ever caught was 28 pounds and was 39.4 inches long.
46. Quillfin Blenny
Quillfin blennies resemble a less intimidating zebra turkeyfish and live in the deep reefs of the Caribbean Sea.
When tired, these fish will gently rest on their large pectoral fins.
Their natural camouflage allows them to blend in with the coral and rocks it surrounds itself in.
You can tell a male from a female by looking at the length of their fore-dorsal fin, with males having the longer fins.
47. Qingxiusaurus
The qingxiusaurus is an incredibly rare dinosaur that is thought to be related to the titanosaur.
Paleontologists are uncertain of their exact size because they have only managed to find the forelimb bones and only a few of the anterior skeleton.
All of the bones that they have found so far have been found in the Guangxi Province of China.
Although the exact age of this dinosaur is uncertain, the most commonly theorized age that this dinosaur lived in was the Late Cretaceous period.
48. Quadrate Pebblesnail
Quadrate pebblesnails are an critically endangered species of snails that can be found in the United States.
These freshwater snails live in the rivers of the southern United States.
They are most commonly found in the Tennessee River and have been observed in some parts of Alabama.
Local biologists have not been able to collect sufficient data on these snails since the Tennessee River began adding more dams, so many people assume that the creatures have gone extinct.
49. Qubressy
Quenbressy are a type of donkey that originated in Jordan, making them one of the two donkey breeds indigenous to the area.
The country only has about 18,000 donkeys living there in total.
Quenbressy donkeys are much larger than the other species of donkey that call Jordan home, which is the Black donkey.
50. Queen Wrasse
The queen wrasse is an elongated saltwater fish that can be found among the reefs of Tanzania.
While young, the queen wrasse is normally just orange and white.
As they get older, they begin to gain black and deep blue markings around their body and fins.
The females will gain neon green and blue specks all over their bodies.
With the variety of colorations for queen wrasse, no two fish look alike.
51. Quaira Spiny Rat
Quaira spiny rats can be found in the tropical Andes that run through Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Ecuador.
These rats spend their days eating grains, fruits, and whatever other plants they find appetizing.
An adult spiny rat weighs 0.88 pounds and lives for a maximum of seven years.
52. Quiscalus Quiscula
Quiscalus quiscula is the scientific name for the common grackle, which can be found all over the eastern and central United States.
You can also find these blackbirds in many parts of Canada.
These omnivorous foragers will eat wherever they can find.
They love to gorge themselves around unprotected crop fields, but their favorite crop is corn.
53. Quetecsaurus
The quetecsaurus was an herbivore that lived during the Cretaceous period.
Paleontologists have only managed to find part of their cranial skeleton, a few vertebrae, and a single partial forelimb.
Because they lack a complete or even semi-complete fossil, nobody knows exactly how large they were or what type of habits they had.
54. Quitobaquito Pupfish
The Quitobaquito pupfish is a rare species, found in Quitobaquito Springs, Arizona.
This species has also been seen in scant amounts in rivers around Sonoyata, Mexico.
The males of this species typically have lighter bodies that can be blue, though females come in darker colors.
This colorful specimen can mostly be found in shallow waters with plenty of plants, as their diet is plant-based.
55. Quebracho Crested-Tinamou
The Quebracho Crested-Tinamou is native to Central and South America.
Habitats may include small, enclosed areas and scrubby underbrush.
The range of these birds’ habitats is unknown, due to decreasing numbers.
Numbers of living Crested-Tinamous are estimated to be around 10,000 or less.
56. Quacking Frog
The Quacking Frog can be found in southwestern Australia.
They primarily are found in moist areas, with shallow waters.
These frogs get their name from the unique quacking sound that they make.
They are known to respond to mimicry quacks made by humans.
If water quality gets low, their tadpoles can speed up their own growth rate.
57. Quechuan Hocicudo
The Quechuan Hocicudo is a small rodent that resides in Central America, and a small portion of the Andes Mountains.
They are identified by their reddish underbellies and smaller size, when compared to other rodents of the region.
The population numbers of these animals are threatened by heavy habitat loss and small native regions.
58. Queensland Ringtail Possum
The Queensland Ringtail Possum looks very different from their North American counterparts, in that they are completely covered in brown fur.
Their faces are also much shorter, and their ears more noticeable.
Queensland Ringtail Possums are known to dwell in lush rainforests.
Much like their counterparts, they enjoy living in inner city suburbs as well.
These marsupials are also known to strip the leaves from trees for nesting material.
59. Quarter Horse
The Quarter Horse is a favorite horse among many riders, due to its gentle nature.
This horse gets its fame mostly from being one of the oldest breeds in North America.
Part of what makes them so popular is that they’re easy for new riders to get accustomed to, and they have high senses of loyalty.
60. Queen Malachite
The Queen Malachite dragonfly is found in South Africa, inside dense forests.
These forests will commonly feature small bodies of clear water, which the dragonflies tend to gravitate towards.
Both males and females often visit the edges of ponds.
Males will display more metallic colors and bask on large boulders, while females display more neutral tones.
61. Queen Danio
The Queen Danio can be found in the southern waters of Malaysia and Thailand’s streams.
They are small and display a silvery coloration with small yellow stripes.
Fish of this species only live about four to five years, though they make excellent aquarium fish.
62. Qantassaurus
From what is known about the Qantassaurus, these dinosaurs were ornithopods that were smaller in size.
This inference was made by observing the lower jawbones that have been found.
The full dimensions of the Qantassaurus are unknown, due to no post-cranial bone specimens having been discovered.
They hailed from southern Victoria in Australia and were herbivores that ate small plants and ferns.
63. Queen Snake
Queen snakes are known to be highly aquatic, and they spend most of their time under rocks, near streams.
Leaving the water usually only means going sunbathing on rocks near the stream.
They are close relatives to crayfish snakes, and as such, share a similar diet.
These excellent swimmers can be found in eastern US waters, near the Piedmont mountains and parts of Louisiana.
64. Quail
Quail are a beautiful species of bird that come in many forms, from all across the globe.
They are primarily differentiated by the coloring of their heads and whether or not they have a plume atop their heads.
Their dietary habits are omnivorous, although they primarily eat seeds and small plants.
65. Qinshan Goat
The Qinshan Goats are from Jining, China, and are not raised for typical livestock purposes.
Most goats worldwide are known for their milk and meat, but this would not be the case with Qinshans.
Their primary role is to create pelts for rugs and clothing.
Pelts from this goat are almost always a solid black, and their coats are dense.
66. Queretaran Spiny Lizard
The Quereteran Spiny Lizard, also referred to as the Quereteran Desert Lizard, is endemic to Mexico.
This species is considered endangered, although it is not known just how many remain.
Quereteran lizards have been on the endangered list since 2007, but are considered “least concern”.
67. Quoll
Quolls are small marsupials that hail from Australia and live in a variety of habitats across the nation.
They are brown with white spots and have bushy tails.
These marsupials will travel miles at a time for food but are carnivorous.
Quoll pups grow into independence at around five months old.
68. Qinlingosaurus
The Qinlingosarus is a type of titanosaur, found in the Qinling Mountains, in China.
The complete body length of this dinosaur is unknown, due to only having found hip bones and a few vertebrae.
Like most titanosaurs, their diet was herbivorous.
69. Qianlabeo Striatus
The Qianlabeo Striatus is a freshwater fish, native to Guizhou, China.
A fairly new fish, they were only discovered in 2004.
They seem to frequent tropical waters in rivers.
At maximum length, these fish will only grow to about four inches long.
70. Quetzal
The Quetzal bird is a strikingly unique-looking bird, displaying bright greens and blues.
Its name comes from its resemblance to the Central American mythological creature, Quetzalcoatl.
Other distinguished features include long ribbon-like tail feathers.
Haiti claims this creature as its national bird.
71. Quail Finch Indigo Bird
Quail Finch Indigo Birds are fairly unknown creatures, as their habitats range between grasslands and savannah.
The only constant in their residence is that they create no nests of their own, but rather take the nests of other birds.
Laying eggs in the nests of other quail finches is their calling card.
72. Quilmesaurus
An Argentine dinosaur, the Quilmesaurus roamed northern South America during the Cretaceous period.
They only stood around the height of the average full-grown man but shared physical and dietary traits with the tyrannosaurus rex.
They were carnivorous by diet, eating smaller herbivores and omnivores.
73. Quokka
Quokkas are Australian marsupials that grow no larger than a foot and a half.
They are known affectionately as “Australia’s happiest animal” due to the smirk these creatures seem to constantly have.
Dietary habits are mostly nocturnal, as they actively seek plants to eat at night.
These fuzzy creatures can be found all year round.
Females will give birth after one month of pregnancy and can give birth twice a year.
Joeys produced will leave the mother’s pouch after six months.
74. Quaesitosaurus
The Quaesitosaurus is a cretaceous period dinosaur, coming from modern-day Mongolia.
Paleontologists have only found one specimen, but that specimen was enough to determine a lot of information.
They were quadrupedal, with small spikes along the spine, and quite small.
Primarily, their diet was that of a herbivore, dining on small plants.
75. Quoy’s Garfish (Hyporhamphus Quoyi)
Quoy’s Garfish is native to western Pacific waters and shares no singular country of origin.
These fish will often wander into rivers of islands around Southeast Asia.
Interestingly enough, Quoy’s garfish can be occasionally found as far south as Australia and New Zealand.
75 Animals That Start With X (Updated 2023)