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HomePopular QuestionsWhy Do People Ignore Me? (10 Possible Reasons)

Why Do People Ignore Me? (10 Possible Reasons)


Socializing with others can be difficult.

If you’re not well-versed in social cues or etiquette, then you’ll often find yourself alone while the conversation moves on without you.

If you’re someone who constantly leaves text messages or phone calls to friends and other people and never receives a reply, then you may wonder what you’re doing wrong.

You may wonder if they’re ignoring you and why.

From seeming immature to hanging around the wrong sort of people, here are a few reasons people might be ignoring you.


Why Do People Ignore Me? (10 Possible Reasons)


1. Immature

Immature whining spoiled adult rich daughter blond long hair in silver stylish dress complaining sad cruel unfair life crying sobbing frowning sulking upset


You may have given them the impression you’re immature.

Whether you’re trying to get an online group of people to notice you or an in-person group of people, impressions matter.

If you come across as immature, they might not be interested in speaking with you.

This is especially true if the group participants consider themselves to be mature.

There are a few signs that you might be immature.

One of the first signs is that you’re quick to get emotional.

Even if someone said something that wasn’t about you, if you’re an immature person, you might take it personally.

As a result, you might get emotional over the topic.

If you cause a scene, it can make people think you’re immature.

They’re less likely to speak with you in the future because they believe you’re going to become emotional about everything they discuss.

Another sign of immaturity is that you’re quick to assign blame to others when the fault rests with you.

They might be ignoring you because they’re tired of you playing the blame game.

People might be ignoring you because you’re immature.


2. Lack Of Personal Grooming

A woman pinching her nose due to bad breath in a man.


Even if you’re charismatic, if you don’t take care of your grooming, then people are going to ignore you.

Speaking to someone who has bad breath, for example, isn’t something that a lot of people like to do.

Each time you speak, you’re forcing them to smell the foul odor coming from your mouth.

If it’s not your breath, then it might be your body.

If you don’t wear deodorant, for example, then you might smell like body odor.

That also isn’t pleasant to smell long-term.

People will ignore you because their senses are telling them to.

The good news about having bad grooming habits is that you can fix them.

Brushing your teeth twice a day, chewing mint gum, and bathing can improve your scent and appearance.

When you smell better and look a bit more put-together, then people will take an interest in you.

At the very least, your smell won’t be driving them away.


3. You Seem Offensive

Boss screaming at employee in office. Toxic work environment


In today’s world, it can be easy to accidentally offend someone.

That’s especially true if you’re only speaking to them online.

It’s impossible to make your words carry a certain tone.

While you can emphasize certain words, it doesn’t quite replace the ability to make your words mean something by using a certain tone of voice.

The greatest example of the shortcomings of text-based communication is humor.

Unless you use some sort of tagging system that indicates you’re being sarcastic, people have to guess if you’re serious or just joking.

Not everyone is good at guessing if someone is being sarcastic or not.

That’s especially true if the person doesn’t know you well.

You might say something, and if they think you’re being serious, then they might become offended.

You then gain the reputation of being someone who is offensive.

That might decrease their chances of contacting you or speaking with you again.

Even simple sentences can sometimes seem aggressive through poor word choice.

You may not have meant it to come off that way, but the other person doesn’t know that.

Even if you explain, you’re relying on them believing you.

Some people might ignore you because you seem offensive to them.


4. Too Clingy

Clingy silly miserable supplicating young cute female curly-haired praying whining about cry press palms together asking please do favor need help


If you keep trying to gain someone’s attention, then you can appear clingy.

Not everyone likes clingy people.

Being a clingy person suggests that you need constant attention and validation.

That isn’t something a lot of people can give.

They’re just too tired.

They’d prefer to spend their time with people who can enjoy themselves independently of the group.

It can also make you look desperate.

A desperate person also isn’t the most attractive type of person to the majority of people.

If you’re trying too hard, that can come off as desperate, too.

You end up in a catch-22 situation.

You want to make the person or group of people notice you, so you reach out to them consistently.

However, by constantly reaching out, you end up making yourself look like you’re a clingy or desperate person.

That only further encourages the person or group of people to further ignore you.

The cycle continues.

By relaxing and letting things play out, you can make yourself appear less desperate or clingy.

People might be more willing to engage with you as a result.

Some people ignore others if they appear too clingy or desperate.


5. They’re Busy

Busy businessman under stress due to excessive work


It can be easy to forget that other people have lives.

You may have a free moment, but that doesn’t mean the other person does.

You may be feeling as though they’re ignoring you, but in reality, they’re just busy.

This is a common situation when you don’t know the other person or group of people well.

You’re not sure what their schedules are like.

You might work during the week and be available on the weekends, but they might have the opposite schedule.

As such, when you reach out to them on your time off, they ignore you because they’re busy working.

It can seem like they’re ignoring you, but in reality, they’re just working and getting through the day.

Even outside of work, people can lead pretty busy lives.

They might have activities they’re part of or responsibilities that they need to oversee.

It takes time away from them being available to communicate or spend time with others.

Even if they do have that time, they might be too exhausted to speak with you.

It’s worth considering their schedule before you think they’re ignoring you.

Some people might seem to be ignoring you simply because they’re busy.


6. You Make Everything About Yourself

Bored teenager boy listening excited girl talking too much outdoors in a park


One problem that some people have when they find themselves ignored is that they don’t know how to communicate well.

Getting to know people doesn’t mean you talk about yourself the whole time.

You ask questions about the other person first.

People might be ignoring you because all you do is talk about yourself.

Even if the topic is completely unrelated to you, you might find a way to make it about you.

That can grate on people’s nerves after a time.

They don’t always want to talk about you.

They might want to talk about the topic at hand or even about themselves.

An individual who only talks about themselves isn’t a great conversationalist.

It can even make them appear arrogant or uncaring.

Some people also try to one-up others while steering the conversation toward themselves.

For example, if someone’s cat recently died, then the individual might butt in and remind everyone that their parents recently died.

Not only does it drive focus away from the person who started the conversation—likely seeking comfort—but they made the topic about themselves instead.

People can only deal with that sort of person for so long before they grow tired of it.

As such, some people might be ignoring you because all you do is talk about yourself.


7. You Don’t Share The Same Interests

Bored girl listening to her friend having a conversation sitting on a couch in the living room at home


It’s difficult to engage with others if you don’t share their interests.

For example, if you’re trying to befriend a group that loves comic books, but you know nothing about comic books, they’re probably going to ignore you.

You don’t have anything to share about the topic.

Even if you have one interest in common with someone in that group, if the group is all about comic books, then there’s a good chance that they’re going to ignore you.

The individual you share an interest with might speak with you outside of the group, but the group itself might ignore you.

They simply don’t think you’re worth their time since you can’t contribute to the conversation.

It can be a daunting experience trying to meet new people.

If you keep striking out and discovering that no one shares your interests and vice versa, it might be worth letting the person or group go.

You’re sure to find another group that fits you better.

Some people might be ignoring you because you share nothing in common with them.


8. You’re Boring

man on an outdoor date with a black female. The couple are sitting in a restaurant or cafe setup for speed dating. He looks bored and disappointed.


An unfortunate reason some people might be ignoring you is that you appear boring to them.

If all you do is stay inside your house and don’t have any real hobbies, then you usually don’t have much to share.

Even if all you do is work and you don’t leave yourself time to pursue hobbies or adventures, then you’re leading a pretty boring life.

People might ignore you because they’re not motivated to speak with you.

It’s unlikely that you have an experience that they can relate to or want to hear.

If all you talk about is work, for example, the topic will eventually grow stale.

You’ll eventually run out of all the impactful or meaningful or even interesting things that you can say about it.

People tend to prefer speaking to others who are interesting to them.

They might be interesting because they share a common interest.

They might be interesting because they help out at soup kitchens on the weekends.

They might even be interesting because they practice sword-fighting and attend Renaissance fairs.

The good news is that it’s very easy to stop being boring.

You just need to pick up a hobby or have some adventures.

Once you become more interesting, people will want to start speaking with you.

Some people might be ignoring you because you seem boring to them.


9. You’re Not Trustworthy

No trust. Cheating, infidelity, marital problems, having an affair and another partner, betrayal, mistrust or being unfaithful concept. Couple, man and woman, ripping same paper.


A simple mistake can also make people ignore you.

If you learned a secret, then talked about it, you might appear untrustworthy to some people.

This is usually when you end up involving yourself in someone’s business that it was not your place to involve yourself in to begin with.

If people don’t think that they can trust you with a secret, they’re not going to speak with you.

At the very least, it means the conversations you have with them are going to be surface-level at best.

They won’t trust you with deeper information.

They only trust those who can carry secrets to know the more intimate details of their lives.

Some people might ignore you because they don’t think that they can trust you.


10. You’re Trying To Make Friends With The Wrong People

Sad young man in white t-shirt is looking at glass of beer while sitting at bar counter in pub, in the background two other men


A final reason people might be ignoring you is that you’re trying to gain the attention of people who aren’t that nice.

While people, in general, tend to be good, there are also bad apples out there.

These are people who tend to have more narcissistic or other pathological tendencies.

They don’t care about you, and they want nothing to do with you.

Even if it seems like they’re best friends with everyone else in the group, there’s a chance that it’s all just fake and surface-level relationships.

They appear as a tight-knit group, but they’re just a group of miserable people.

Ignoring you makes them feel powerful or important.

They might like seeing you try to speak to them because it makes them feel as though they’re more important or influential.

They’d have to be to make you want to speak with them so much.

They might even enjoy the pain that they cause by ignoring you.

The simple truth is some people aren’t nice.

It’s usually best to ignore a group that’s ignoring you.



Feeling ignored can be very painful.

Some people might ignore you because you don’t quite fit in with them or because they’re just mean people.

By understanding what’s causing them to ignore you, you can take the steps to correct certain aspects and try again.


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