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HomePopular QuestionsWhen Does IKEA Restock? (2023 Updated)

When Does IKEA Restock? (2023 Updated)

IKEA is one of the easiest places to buy furniture.

You can either visit an IKEA store or shop online to find the perfect furniture piece or another item for your home.

Besides having a wide selection of different types of furniture, IKEA also makes assembling their furniture pieces easy.

You don’t need to pay someone else to install or assemble it for you.

However, you’ll often find that IKEA’s items are out of stock which may make you wonder when they restock their items.

When Does IKEA Restock?

Ikea store

IKEA restocks its inventory in one to two days for smaller furniture pieces but can also take five days to a full week to replace larger furniture pieces.

The supply chain problems presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have also made it difficult for the store to restock as quickly as it once did.

As such, certain items may take longer than a week to restock.

If an item is in high demand, then it may take IKEA even longer to restock it since they’re essentially selling the item out before it can even hit the shelf.

In most cases, however, you can expect their items to be restocked within a day or two, or at most, within a week.

How Often Does IKEA Restock Its Inventory?

Interior of large IKEA store

IKEA tries to restock its inventory whenever an item is out of stock.

However, if they’re having problems with their supply chain, that isn’t always possible.

When it comes to smaller furniture pieces like armchairs or small tables, they can usually restock them as stock dwindles.

That’s because small tables and certain chairs don’t take up a lot of space.

They can store more of them in their inventory in the back.

As people buy other smaller items like lamps and tables, employees can easily go into the stockroom and restock more of those items.

That isn’t the case with larger furniture pieces.

Items like large tables or beds take up a lot of space.

They can’t store as many in the stockroom as they can smaller furniture pieces.

As such, while they may still try to sell larger pieces even when they’re out of stock, they don’t have anything to restock them with in most cases.

They need to wait until the truck arrives with new stock.

When the supply chain is running efficiently, the store can often restock in a day or two.

Larger furniture pieces are usually restocked once or twice a week.

They’ll also work on restocking high-demand items quickly.

Depending on the items’ size and availability, IKEA will essentially try to restock where demand is the highest first.

Are There Certain Times Of The Year When IKEA Restocks More Frequently?

woman at IKEA Warehouse

IKEA is aware that there are seasons in which people tend to buy more furniture than others.

One of those seasons is the holidays.

During the holidays, people tend to splurge on themselves.

They might splurge and buy a new sofa, a comfy arm chair, or even a new bed.

Since IKEA sometimes runs sales during that time, it’s a natural choice for many buyers.

In an effort to sell as much furniture as they can, IKEA typically focuses on restocking as quickly as possible.

People can’t buy what isn’t there, so IKEA works hard to keep its items in stock during the holiday season.

The spring and summer seasons are also popular.

This is a time when people typically move to new residences.

When moving, they might need to buy new furniture.

IKEA is a natural choice.

This is another time when IKEA will try to keep its items in stock as much as possible.

They want to capitalize on the moving season.

As such, during the holidays and spring and summer seasons, IKEA really tries to keep its items in stock.

How Do I Find Out When IKEA Will Restock A Specific Item?

IKEA logo printed on cardboard box packaging at IKEA store

You can find out when an IKEA product is back in stock by signing up for notifications.

To do so, all you need to do is find the product you want to buy on the IKEA website.

On the product listing, you’ll see a prompt that allows you to sign up for notifications.

You can choose whether to receive your notification through a text message or via email.

When the item is back in stock, a notification will be sent to your contact preference.

You’ll need to act quickly if you want to buy the item while it’s in stock, however.

If you signed up for notifications, then there’s a good chance that others have, too.

In addition to receiving a notification, you can also manually check the IKEA store each day.

You’ll want to put your store information into the search bar, so you can receive information about which products are in stock at your local store.

Otherwise, signing up for notifications is one of the best ways to immediately know when an item is back in stock.

What Is the Best Day Of The Week To Shop At IKEA For Newly Restocked Items?

Ikea furniture store interior

The best time to shop at IKEA for restocked items is on Monday.

Monday falls after the weekend rush, so IKEA has time to restock items for the weeks’ worth of sales.

It’s also one of the most popular days when people return furniture that they end up not wanting.

IKEA has an “as-is” section where they sell returned furniture.

If you’re looking to score items for cheap prices, then this is the place to look.

Otherwise, if you’re looking for brand-new items, you’ll also find that Monday is the best day to go shopping.

If you want an item that’s high in demand, it’s worth showing up early on Monday to beat the rush.

That will ensure you’re able to buy it before other people get off work.

Does IKEA Notify You Of Restocked Items?

IKEA website page

Yes, IKEA can notify you about restocked items.

However, you have to manually request the notification first.

To do so, you need to head to the product’s page and sign up for notifications.

When the product is back in stock, you’ll be notified.

Does IKEA Restock Everything At Once Or Focus On Specific Departments?

thinking woman

IKEA tends to focus on restocking smaller furniture pieces over larger furniture pieces.

Part of the reason is that smaller furniture pieces are a lot easier to move.

They don’t take up as much space in their stockroom either, so they typically have more of those products available.

They’ll also focus on products that have a lot of demand.

If their sofas are selling quickly, for example, then they’ll focus on restocking that section first.

That ensures they can make as much money as possible while demand is high.

Workers are best able to focus on restocking the entire store once it’s closed.

It’s a lot easier to drag larger furniture pieces around when the aisles aren’t clogged with customers.

As such, while IKEA employees focus on restocking some departments during the day, at night, they focus on restocking the whole store.

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