Whether it’s a friend, co-worker, or stranger, if someone hits you with a “What’s up?” you may not always know what to say.
It could cause you to freeze and say something nonsensical.
A simple question might suddenly turn the situation a bit awkward.
To avoid that situation, it’s helpful to know what to say when someone asks you, “What’s up?”
How To Respond To “What’s Up?” (50+ Best Replies)
1. “Not Much.”
Perhaps one of the most common responses to, “What’s up?” is, “Not much.”
This response is typical when you don’t have much to say or report.
If your day is pretty standard, then you might just use this response.
It’s also used when you don’t really want to talk about your day.
For example, if you had a rough day and you don’t feel like talking about it, then you might use this response.
The great thing about this response is that it’s suitable for everyone.
2. “Not A Lot. What About You?”
When you’re not feeling like talking about your own day but want to hear about theirs, then you might use this response.
This phrase essentially tells the other person that you don’t really want to talk about what’s going on with you.
However, you are open to talking about how they’re feeling.
That said, it can sometimes come off as if you’re not interested in talking at all.
They might reply with a similar, “Not a lot,” since they’re following your example.
As such, you’ll have to be mindful of your tone if you genuinely do want to hear about them.
3. “The Sky!”
This classic is always a fun way to respond to “What’s up?”
When you use this response, you’re taking their question literally.
If you’re outside, of course, the sky is what’s up.
You can usually expect some sort of eye roll or exasperated groan when you respond with this phrase.
It’s a worn-out joke, but it’s still a classic.
Not everyone has the patience for a worn-out joke, however.
As such, you’ll want to keep your audience in mind if you choose to use this response.
4. “Sorry, What Did You Say?”
While “What’s up?” is a pretty common phrase to use these days, it’s sometimes said quite quickly.
It might come off as slurred or in a way that makes it difficult to understand.
As such, if you’re not quite sure what they said, you might use this response.
It basically asks for some clarification.
The last thing you want to do is answer in such a way that doesn’t make sense.
You might even find that they didn’t ask, “What’s up?” after all.
When you’re unsure what they said, then this is the best response to use.
5. “A Lot! I’ve Been So Busy.”
If something exciting has happened to you, then you might want to talk about it.
As such, when someone says, “What’s up?” to you, then you might respond in this way.
You’re basically telling them that you have a lot to share.
In particular, you’re telling them that you’ve been very busy, so if they really want to hear about your day, then they better buckle in and find a comfortable place to sit down.
6. “Thankfully, Not Much!”
In other cases, you might not have a lot to share.
If someone says, “What’s up?” to you, and nothing has really happened to you thus far, then you might use this response.
The key aspect of this response is that you’re grateful that you have nothing to report.
It suggests that you tend to only report the bad things.
It also suggests that you’re grateful nothing bad or unlucky has happened to you just yet.
7. “I’m More Curious About What’s Up With You!”
Whether you want to deflect the question or you’re just curious about the other person, you might consider using this response.
If someone asks you, “What’s up?” and you don’t have much to report, then you might ask about them instead.
You might also have a genuine interest in the other person.
Perhaps they posted something on social media that concerned or intrigued you.
You want to know more about it, so responding in this way opens the door to having that conversation.
8. “All Good! Yourself?”
In this case, when someone says, “What’s up?” you may have nothing but good things to report.
Perhaps your day has gone smoothly so far.
Perhaps you’re even having a great day.
Because you have nothing bad to report or no juicy gossip, your day is all good.
You then can use the opportunity to ask about them.
They might have a story or something they need to share or get off their chest.
This response assures them that you’re fine while also giving them the floor to speak.
9. “Same Ol’.”
Another common response to use when someone says “What’s up?” is to say things are the same as they usually are.
This response essentially means that nothing has changed.
Nothing too good has happened and nothing too bad.
You’re basically having the same usual day that you normally do.
This response can also be useful for sidestepping the conversation.
If you don’t really want to talk about how your day is going, then you can use this response to make it seem nonchalant.
10. “Same Stuff, Different Day.”
The more vulgar version of this response offers the same meaning.
You’re having the exact same experience despite it being a different day.
That might mean you’re facing the same struggles that you do each day without any improvement.
It might mean that you’re facing a normal day without any changes.
This response tells the other person that you’re just repeating the same day over and over.
That might be a good thing, or it might be an opportunity to vent.
11. “I Am Waiting For The Weekend!”
A lot of people live and work for the weekends.
It’s the only time of the week when you can relax, run some errands, and rejuvenate before another work week begins.
As such, if someone asks you, “What’s up?” then you might say you’re waiting for the weekend.
You’re telling them that you’re focusing on making it through to the weekend.
You might have some exciting plans lined up, or you may just be eager for a break from work.
12. “Hanging In. You?”
You might not be in the best of moods when someone asks you, “What’s up?”
As such, this is a completely normal response.
When you say you’re hanging in, you basically mean that you’re surviving.
You’re pushing to try and make it through another day.
It gives the other person a glimpse into your state of wellness.
You’re struggling, but you’re still pushing on.
It also invites them to be open and honest with you, too.
13. “About To Sleep.”
At some point, you might receive a text from someone asking, “What’s up?” right when you’re about to go to sleep.
You can use this quick response to let them know that you intend to sleep.
Whatever they want to say, they can wait until you wake.
14. “A Little Busy, But Can We Catch Up Later?”
Sometimes someone might ask you, “What’s up?” at an inopportune time.
The question is usually asked in passing and long-held conversations.
It’s an opener to a conversation.
However, you don’t always have the time or opportunity to have a long conversation with them.
As such, you might respond in this way.
You’re letting them know that you’re a bit busy, but you’d love to have a longer conversation with them later.
It doesn’t blow them off, but instead, it invites them to try later.
15. “Life Is Good!”
When life is good, then you don’t have a problem talking about it.
If someone asks you, “What’s up?” and you’re having a great day, then you might use this response.
It might catch the other person off guard since not everyone responds with a positive answer, but if you’re feeling great, then you should tell them.
They might inquire as to what is making your life great, which then allows you to tell them about your day.
16. “Not A Thing But A Chicken Wing!”
If you don’t mind using idioms, then you might consider using this response when someone asks you, “What’s up?”
The phrase essentially means that something is no problem or no big deal.
In regards to responding to the question, you’re basically telling them that nothing big is happening.
It’s common to also say, “Ain’t no thing but a chicken wing.”
Sometimes “thing” and “wing” use the pronunciation of “thang” and “wang.”
You’re basically telling the other person that you’re fine since nothing big has happened.
17. “That’s For Me To Know And For You To Find Out.”
If you want to be a bit playful and mysterious when someone asks you, “What’s up?” then you might consider this response.
Perhaps you’re planning some sort of secret party for the individual.
This gives them a hint that they’re going to find out something incredible later.
You can also use this response as just a playful way to answer them.
For example, you might follow up by telling them exactly how you are.
Using this response can add a bit of mystery and fun to your response.
18. “You Know…”
When someone shares the same sort of experiences as you, then you might respond to, “What’s up?” with this phrase.
Because you share the same experiences, they know exactly how you are.
This is common to use among coworkers.
When a coworker asks you, “What’s up?” then you might just say, “You know,” and give them a look.
They’ll understand exactly what you mean since they’re having the same problems and experiences as well.
This isn’t always a positive answer to the question.
It can suggest that you’re having a rough day or just a standard day.
19. “You’ll Never Guess!”
On the opposite side of the spectrum, perhaps something very exciting happened to you.
When someone asks you, “What’s up?” you might use this response to excite them into asking further.
It’s obvious that you have something juicy to share.
Responding in this way can excite the other person since you’re basically telling them what you have to share is something they’ll never be able to guess on their own.
It suggests that whatever news you have to share, it’s going to be quite out of the norm.
This response is great to use when you want to hype up the information that you want to share.
20. “It’s Been Such A Great Day So Far.”
Not every day is a downer.
As such, when someone asks you, “What’s up?” you might want to use this response.
Perhaps things have been aligning just right for you.
Maybe you made it to work on time, if not early.
Perhaps you had a great customer or client experience.
You may have even received news that you’re about to get a raise.
When something good happens, you may feel a need to share it with someone else.
This phrase essentially gives you an opener to discuss your great day with the other person.
21. “Nothing Special, Sadly.”
There are some situations where nothing too interesting or special has happened during your day.
When someone asks you how your day is going, then you might use this response.
The inclusion of “sadly” suggests that you’re a bit tired of the norm.
Perhaps you were expecting or just hoping for something new and positive to break up the monotony of the day a little.
Since that never happened, nothing special happened.
This is just another way of saying that your day has been typical so far.
22. “The Ceiling!”
Another playful way of answering someone who asks you, “What’s up?” is to say that the ceiling is what’s up.
This is another version of saying, “The sky,” but it’s more appropriate if you’re inside a building.
Like, “The sky,” answering, “the ceiling,” can make some eyes roll.
If that’s your intention, then this is a great response to use.
However, some people might be genuinely asking how you are.
This response might irk them or make them feel as though you’re not taking them seriously.
23. “Work Has Been So Tiring!”
When you’re with a group of friends and someone asks you how you are or what’s going on, then you might respond with this phrase.
It basically tells them that work has been driving you insane.
Maybe it’s the workload, maybe it’s the customers, but something has made work extremely tiring for you as of late.
This answer also opens the door for more conversation about work.
It allows you to vent to the other person about the problems you’re experiencing.
24. “The Traffic Today Drove Me Mad.”
It’s not uncommon for coworkers to ask you, “What’s up?” when you arrive first thing.
You might respond in this way if you had some problems with traffic along the way.
Depending on when your work shift starts, you might find yourself having to drive during rush hour.
That can be a hectic time to drive since everyone is heading in the same direction.
Traffic jams are inevitable, and if you find yourself in a bad spot, then the traffic might even make you late for work.
Telling them that traffic drove you crazy essentially informs them that you might have little patience for the rest of the day.
25. “What’s Up With You?”
If you don’t want to talk about yourself, then you might respond to, “What’s up?” with this phrase.
This phrase turns the question on them.
You’re asking them how they are instead.
This takes the pressure off you and lets you listen to them instead.
Sometimes people ask you, “What’s up?” because they want to talk about themselves instead.
As such, you can jump right to it by asking what’s up with them instead of answering.
Some might also find it polite to ask how they are as well.
26. “Those Birds Flying By!”
Another playful way to respond to “What’s up?” is with this phrase.
Like indicating that the sky or ceiling is what’s up, you can use this variation to make the old joke a bit newer.
Everyone may have heard the ceiling and sky response, but they may not have heard the bird response.
As such, this playful response might just get a smile out of them.
You can at least expect the usual roll of the eyes.
Either way, if you want to playfully respond to the question, then you should consider using this phrase.
27. “You Don’t Want To Know.”
Sometimes there’s too much to tell someone when they ask you, “What’s up?”
If you find yourself in that situation, then this response may be perfect for you.
It tells them that something so bad or so mundane has happened to you.
Perhaps you experienced an accident on the way to work.
Maybe your pet died.
Whatever it was, it’s brought you down to such a level that you just can’t even talk about it.
This phrase helps get that point across.
28. “It’s Too Early For That Energy.”
While some people might come at you with a more relaxed or bored “What’s up?” others might have a bit too much energy.
If you’re still in the process of waking up or you’re just feeling tired, then you might respond with this phrase.
It tells them that they need to tone it back a bit until you wake up a bit more.
They can try again later when you’re able to feel your brain again.
If you’re just not awake enough to reply to someone who clearly has a lot of energy, then this is the response to use.
29. “Thanks For Asking.”
One way to start your response is by thanking them for asking when they ask you, “What’s up?”
Perhaps you were having a rough day and having them ask gives you a chance to vent.
You might thank them for asking, then launch into your rant.
You might also not want to share with them.
You can still show them that you appreciate that they cared enough to ask by thanking them.
It may seem an odd way to respond, but since they’re just checking in with you, it pays to acknowledge their efforts.
30. “It’s Not Raining, So I’m Good.”
For some people, their day might change based on the weather.
Seasonal affective disorder is a condition in which an individual feels symptoms of depression change based on the season.
To some degree, the weather might also be impacting them.
As such, if it’s raining outside, then they might find that their day is a bit harder because they’re feeling down in the dumps.
If you’re such an individual, then you might respond in this way to someone asking you, “What’s up?”
You’re feeling okay because it isn’t raining.
31. “It’s Not Snowing, So I’m Good.”
A similar type of situation might occur with the lack of snow.
You might find that seasonal affective disorder is particularly potent during the winter season.
Whenever it snows, it might affect someone’s mood.
Snow can also make life a bit more difficult in general.
It makes traveling a lot more dangerous.
Slick roads can lead to accidents and traffic jams.
When someone asks you, “What’s up?” you might just be grateful that it hasn’t snowed just yet and made your life more complicated.
32. “Couldn’t Have Asked For Better Weather.”
On a beautiful day, you might respond to someone with this phrase.
When someone asks you, “What’s up?” you might be in a great mood because of the sunny and warm weather.
If it’s moved you in such a way, then this is the best response to give.
33. “I Just Got Home.”
While some people tend to ask, “What’s up?” in person, it’s not uncommon for people to text you, too.
When you receive a “What’s up?” text, you might find yourself having just arrived home.
You can reply to them saying you just got home.
This lets them know that you’re not quite able to talk just yet.
34. “I Just Finished Cooking Dinner.”
Another reply you can send when someone texts you “What’s up?” is that you’re finishing cooking dinner.
Perhaps you just sat down to eat.
This response tells them what you’re doing, but it also tells them that you’re going to be busy for a while.
It ensures they know why you’re not responding to them that fast.
35. “I Just Walked The Dog.”
A final way to respond to someone when they text you, “What’s up?” is to let them know you just finished an errand.
For example, you may just be returning from walking the dog.
By texting them what you’re up to, the ball is back in their court.
They can invite you to something or just chat.
36. “I’m Good. How Was The Concert?”
When you know someone is only asking you “What’s up?” because they have something to share, then this might be the response to give.
It gives them a quick answer as to how you are while opening the door to let them talk about the topic they really want to talk about.
37. “I Can’t Complain.”
Another great response when someone asks “What’s up?” is that you can’t complain.
This is basically a way to tell them that you’re doing just fine.
There’s no reason to worry about you.
Nothing terrible happened, and it was a pretty typical day.
38. “What Did You Do Today?”
If you’d like to know more about them and how their day went, then you might use this response.
If someone asks you, “What’s up?” then you can simply ask them what they were up to instead.
That gives them an opportunity to talk about their day and lets you relax.
39. “Eagerly Awaiting The Holidays.”
If someone asks you, “What’s up?” around the holidays, then you might use this response.
The holiday season can be a lot of fun for some people.
You might be looking forward to seeing family, traveling, or just catching a break from work.
This response tells them your current mindset about the approaching holidays.
40. “Hoping This Rain Stops Soon.”
When it’s raining outside, it can really affect your mood.
As such, when someone asks you, “What’s up?” you might give this response.
You’re waiting and hoping for the rain to stop because you have something that you want to do.
This response is great since you can then talk about why you want the rain to stop.
41. “About To Work Out. Want To Join?”
Sometimes you don’t have the time to devote to a full conversation.
As such, if someone asks you, “What’s up?” and you’re about to go do something like work out, then you might use this response.
It invites them to join you, so you can talk more then.
42. “Waiting For My Bus To Arrive. What Are You Up To?”
Another situation you might find yourself in when someone texts you, “What’s up?” is waiting for the bus.
You can use this response to let them know what you’re up to at that moment.
It also warns them that you might disappear if your bus arrives.
43. “Nothing. Want To Come Over?”
If you’re bored and someone texts you, “What’s up?” then you have the perfect opportunity to make some plans.
You might use this response to invite them over, so you can have some social time with them.
It’s a quick and efficient way to make social plans.
44. “It’s Rough. There Are So Many New Changes At Work”
When you’re starting to feel the pressure at work, then you might use this response when someone asks you, “What’s up?”
New changes can add some stress to your life.
Using this response lets the other person know you’re feeling stressed and allows you to vent.
45. “I Have Been So Anxious.”
Sometimes an honest answer is the best response when someone asks you, “What’s up?”
Letting them know you’ve been anxious can help explain some of your recent behavior.
It also lets them know your current state of mind and mental health.
They might be able to help from there.
46. “I’m Waiting For An Email That I’m Nervous About.”
If there is a particular stressor that you keep focusing on, then it might be part of your response when someone asks you, “What’s up?”
For example, if you’re expecting an email from an employer or supervisor, then you might be nervous about it.
Using this response gives you the chance to talk about it with them.
47. “I’ve Been Up For Almost 24 Hours.”
When you’re having a really long day, it’s important that others know about it.
As such, when someone asks you, “What’s up?” you’ll want to use this response.
Having been awake for almost 24 hours, you’re probably not in the best mood.
They’ll know to stay clear until you sleep.
48. “Literally Waiting For The Day To End. How About You?”
A rough day can feel like it’s neverending.
If someone asks you, “What’s up?” on such a day, then you might use this response.
You’re telling them you’re very tired from the day, but you’re still open to hearing about their day.
49. “Just Thinking About You!”
Responses to “What’s up?” don’t always have to be positive or negative or even neutral.
You can also flirt with the person who’s asking you, “What’s up?”
Letting them know that you’re thinking about them can brighten up their day.
It’s a cute response that’s sure to receive a positive reaction.
50. “Whaaaat’s Uuuuup?”
A classic way to respond to “What’s up?” is to say “What’s up?” right back.
Popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s, this response became the go-to choice for many people.
If you want to throwback to those times, then this is a perfectly acceptable response to have.
When someone asks you, “What’s up?” they’re essentially asking how you are or how your day is going.
As such, you can use any of the responses listed above depending on whether you want your answer to be playful, flirty, positive, or negative.