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HomePopular QuestionsDo Girls Like Tall Guys? (10 Reasons They Do)

Do Girls Like Tall Guys? (10 Reasons They Do)


Dating as a tall guy can be a little awkward.

You don’t want to appear too imposing or threatening due to your size.

Because of those fears, you may be unsure if girls actually like dating taller guys.

From appearing stronger to media representation, here are a few reasons girls like tall guys.


Do Girls Like Tall Guys? (10 Reasons They Do)


1. Appear Stronger

Strong person showing arm muscle, confident and proud of power


One of the reasons girls like tall guys is that they appear stronger.

Even if this isn’t always the case, tall guys tend to appear that they’re stronger than smaller guys.

That’s simply because they have more height over the other guy.

There’s a sense that since one has more reach, they may be able to get a few blows in before the other guy.

That increases their chances of winning a fight.

While girls may not necessarily be looking for a partner who can fight, it could still play some role in their perception of an ideal partner.

Taller guys simply have more mass as well.

Since they’re taller, they may appear more muscular than smaller guys of the same build.

There are quite a few reasons girls might like a guy who seems strong.

They may feel safer with that person.

They might even just appreciate how they look aesthetically.

Even if taller guys aren’t actually stronger than shorter guys, their height gives them that advantage and appearance.

As such, girls find them attractive.


2. Deemed Ideal Partner To Have Children

Father and son comparing their heights near light wall indoors


Another reason girls like tall guys is that they may think they’d make an ideal choice as a parent of their children.

If a girl is dating to find someone to settle down with, a lot of thought goes into the dating process.

There are likely quite a few criteria that the guy needs to satisfy.

Being tall can automatically tick off some of that criteria based on the girl’s perception of tall guys.

For example, they may think that a tall guy is ideal for rearing children.

For one, because they’re taller, it means they’re going to be better protectors.

Even if that isn’t the case, it’s the appearance or ideal that matters.

It also means that they’re going to pass on good genes to their children.

Taller men are usually associated with better nutrition.

After all, in order to grow, one needs plenty of vitamins and minerals when one is younger.

A tall guy likely received the nutrition he needed to grow strong.

This also impacts his health.

A girl wants to pass on those good attributes to their children.

As such, a tall guy seems like an ideal partner with whom to have children.

Nutrition matters, especially when a child is young and growing.

Since tall guys appear as though they received plenty of it, they seem healthier than shorter guys.

Women looking to have healthy children may have a preference for taller guys over shorter guys.

As such, girls often like tall guys.


3. Seems More Masculine

Fitness man warming up in gym. Looking away


Some girls might like tall guys because they appear more masculine.

Again, this isn’t always the case as it mostly comes down to the individual.

However, there is an existing stereotype that taller guys are more masculine.

There are a few reasons behind this perception.

The first is that taller guys tend to look more dominating.

The fact that they’re able to tower over others can make them seem intimidating.

Since it’s a social stereotype that real men appear intimidating, being tall can help further that stereotype.

Another reason is that smaller girls can look petite next to a tall guy.

Some girls may want to look small and cute next to a tall partner.

It allows them to feel more feminine while their partner appears more masculine.

Some girls are also just attracted to the stereotypes of what makes a man appear masculine.

In this case, they’ll certainly prefer tall guys since they appear to be quite masculine.


4. Offers Protection

Happy loving couple isolated isolated on gray background


Perhaps one of the biggest reasons girls like tall guys is that they perceive them as being able to offer protection.

This comes back to the idea that taller guys appear stronger.

In a fight against a shorter guy, a taller guy has a slight edge.

They’re able to reach their opponent more than the other since they have longer arms and legs.

They might even be able to hold their enemy back with one arm to keep them from doing any damage.

It isn’t just against other guys that taller people can protect their partners from.

A taller person is able to shield their partner better.

If a glass window shatters, for example, a taller partner is better able to cradle or shield their partner.

They have more bulk to use as a protective force.

Since taller men also appear more intimidating due to their height, they might also be able to use that to their advantage.

For example, they might be able to scare off a threat before a fight even ensues.

As such, some girls may feel safer with a taller guy as a partner as opposed to someone who is shorter.

Even if the taller guy isn’t any better at protecting them, it’s the appearance of such that matters.

Girls like tall guys because they seem as though they’re able to protect them.


5. Appear More Confident

Smiling confident mature businessman leader


Some girls might also like tall guys because they appear more confident.

This comes back to the idea that taller guys can sometimes appear more intimidating.

Their height gives them that advantage.

Looking up at someone is a bit more nerve-wracking than looking down on someone, for example.

You can trace this idea back several centuries throughout society.

A popular example is in throne rooms and their design.

Kings, in particular, always sat above nobility.

Nobility often sat above the common people.

It set the idea that people of power and importance were above those of smaller or lower power and importance.

That idea translated to the idea of taller height being more powerful.

In social circles, taller guys appear more powerful.

Again, this isn’t always the case, and it’s largely stereotypical, but it is a reason some tall guys appear more confident.

It’s simply because those looking up to the taller person believe that they have a bit more power due to their height alone.

Because that belief exists, shorter people may feel less confident around taller people.

The idea of a confident person also plays into the stereotype.

The image of a confident person is someone who stands up tall with their shoulders back.

They walk with a certain power and certainty in their step.

Tall guys tend to do this naturally since their tall frame requires them to do so.

As such, many perceive them as walking or being confident.

Girls appreciate a confident guy because it gives them some security, too.


6. Helps Certain Tasks

Man repairing collapsed ceiling


There’s no question that having a taller partner can have its mundane benefits, too.

Shorter girls, in particular, find it helpful to have a tall guy around the house.

For example, if they have high cupboards or shelves in their homes, it can be difficult to reach certain items.

Without a tall guy, they might have to break out a small step ladder or even climb up on the counter.

Having a tall partner eliminates the risk of falling or harming themselves.

They’re also helpful to have around grocery stores or stores in general.

Shorter girls may struggle to reach a product that’s high up on a shelf.

With a tall partner, they can ask them to get the product rather than approach a stranger.

It’s safer to ask their partner for help than a stranger.

Having a tall partner might even help in some contests.

For example, if they find themselves in a game of chicken in the pool with their friends, then having a tall partner can give them more leverage.

Finally, it’s also helpful because having a tall partner makes it easier to find them in a crowd.

If a girl gets separated from her partner, it’s easier to spot them in the crowd since they’re towering over everyone else.

This might make her feel safer since she can easily navigate back to her partner.

Clearly, there are a few benefits that tall guys can offer to girls.

Even if those benefits are on the mundane side, they may be important to some girls who really struggle with their own height.


7. Media Saturation

Businessman super hero isolated on white background


Another reason some girls like tall guys is that the media tends to represent taller guys more than shorter guys.

In almost every romance film, the guy is usually taller than the girl.

There are a few exceptions, but you’ll often find that if the guy is shorter than the girl, it’s usually joked about.

It sells the idea that it’s silly for a shorter guy to be with a taller girl.

It also sells the idea that being with a taller guy is normal.

You can also see this outside of romance films.

Superhero movies, for example, usually depict their heroes as tall men.

They stand over villains who are shorter than them.

At the very least, they’re taller than the women.

There’s this idea that tall men are superior to short men.

Because it’s so prevalent in entertainment, there’s some chance that it sinks into the head.

Those correlations become cemented as actual facts.

A tall guy is a superhero while the shorter guy is the villain.

A tall guy gets the girl while the shorter guy is a joke.

You can particularly point at Disney for pushing this narrative.

It seems the princes and male heroes in their films are always taller than the girls.

Girls who identify as certain princesses may view their ideal prince as being tall.


8. Might Suggest Higher Intelligence

smart happy cool charming man hold finger temple idea genius


Another reason some girls like tall guys is that they may think that they have a higher level of intelligence.

One study even found a pattern between height and intelligence.

It found that taller people tend to have higher IQs.

While they also went on to say that it doesn’t mean that shorter people are less smart than taller people, it showed that there was a pattern of higher intelligence in taller people.

There could be any number of reasons behind this trend.

One likely has to do with nutrition.

Tall people cannot become tall without proper nutrition.

While genetics certainly play a factor, one’s genetics can only do so much if you’re not getting the nutrients you need.

Having enough nutrients allows your body to grow stronger and taller.

Nutrients also help brain development.

When you’re not getting the nutrients you need, your brain is unable to develop.

It takes energy to develop your brain.

You receive that energy through food.

However, the quality of food also determines how much energy you have available to develop your brain.

If it’s poor quality, then you may have the energy to survive but not to develop.

Since tall guys likely received enough nutrition to grow large, it’s also likely that they received enough nutrition to have their brains develop well.

Well-developed brains are intelligent brains.

Girls usually find intelligence attractive.

It means the individual is able to provide a more stimulating conversation.

It also usually means they’re more emotionally intelligent.

Being emotionally intelligent can help relationships last longer when they inevitably hit rough patches.

Intelligence also matters, in a genetic sense, for children.

A parent who’s more intelligent is likely to pass those genes on to their children.

Girls who want to rear intelligent children might find that an attractive quality as well.

Girls like tall guys because they appear to be more intelligent.


9. Seen As Successful

Portrait of young businessman wearing eyeglasses and standing outside conference room


Since taller guys appear more intelligent, it also means they’re usually more successful.

Intelligence usually means that the individual is able to take on a job that’s more mentally demanding.

Those jobs tend to come with more substantial paychecks.

Girls who want to ensure their household is financially secure may find taller men attractive as a result.

They give the suggestion or appearance that they are going to be successful.

It also doesn’t hurt that a lot of successful people are tall.

Many presidents have been quite tall, for example.

Many successful CEOs are also quite tall.

Then there’s no shortage of tall athletes like football players and basketball players who are also tall.

Because they’re deemed as successful, they’re more attractive.


10. Morally Good

smiling handsome man with crossed arms


A final reason some girls like tall guys is that they also have the appearance of being good.

This again goes back to how entertainment views tall guys.

Superheroes are tall.

Disney princes are tall.

Heroes, in general, are tall.

Smaller guys are often depicted as the villain of the story.

At the very least, they tend to be antagonistic.

Because these ideas are common in entertainment, a correlation forms between height and moral character.

Most girls want to be with morally good guys.

It’s safer.

As such, girls like tall guys because they’re often viewed as being morally good.



Tall guys may feel a little silly or uncomfortable dating girls shorter than them.

However, for the reasons above, tall guys will likely find that girls like them.


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