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HomePopular QuestionsDo Girls Like Shy Guys? (10 Reasons They Do)

Do Girls Like Shy Guys? (10 Reasons They Do)


Being shy can make it difficult to date.

Being shy as a guy can make it even more difficult.

An existing stereotype of masculinity is that men are the aggressive, forward, dominant ones.

That can make it difficult for shy guys to think that girls will like them.

From appearing quietly confident to having an aura of mystery, here are a few reasons girls like shy guys.


Do Girls Like Shy Guys? (10 Reasons They Do)


1. Quiet Confidence

happy brunette man wearing formal clothes smiling at camera


One of the reasons girls like shy guys is that they exude quiet confidence.

Whether they’re actually confident or not is beside the point.

They appear to be quietly confident.

Guys who aren’t as shy might boast a bit more or talk a big game.

The more they talk, the more insincere they might appear.

Shy guys, on the other hand, don’t talk as much.

They usually don’t do so to the point where they may seem as though they’re boasting.

Because of this, they have quiet confidence in themselves.

Their actions speak louder than their words.

Girls find this particular quality in guys attractive because there can be a point when being macho and boasting about one’s skills becomes too much.

It can grate on anyone’s nerves to hear someone say how good they are.

Real confidence tends to come from one’s actions rather than one’s words.

Since shy guys don’t always boast about themselves, it’s more likely that a girl will see them as quietly confident.

Because quiet confidence is an attractive trait, girls like shy guys.


2. Appear More Intelligent

thinking man


Another reason girls like shy guys is that they sometimes appear more intelligent than loud guys.

Shy guys tend only to speak when they have something to say.

Because of their shy nature, they don’t typically fill the silence with pointless chatter.

While they may spend some time asking the girl about herself, they usually ask with intention.

They’re not comfortable enough to have conversations that include small talk.

Because they ask more poignant questions and tend to speak when they have something impactful to add to the conversation, they appear more intelligent.

This is versus the stereotypical guy who talks and talks.

They may talk about anything and everything without actually really engaging the other person in conversation.

If it’s all just small talk and none of the conversation matters, then it isn’t a really intelligent conversation.

One study saw a trend that more women date and marry more intelligent guys.

This lean towards intelligence could be because they deem intelligent partners as safer options.

Intelligent fathers are better for child-rearing.

They also tend to be more financially secure.

Finally, it usually indicates that they are also emotionally intelligent.

Those are all attractive features to a woman who is looking for someone to one day marry.

Since shy guys appear more intelligent than guys who talk incessantly, girls are likely to enjoy them.


3. Aura Of Mystery

Young mixed race arabic man isolated blink at the camera through fingers, embarrassed covering face.


Shy guys also tend to have an aura of mystery about them.

Through their quiet nature alone, shy guys don’t readily offer a lot of information about themselves.

Shyness also tends to come with a preference for privacy.

They prefer to keep their private lives as just that.

They don’t volunteer information to just anyone.

With their friends, they might be a bit more open, but their shy nature likely keeps things private even among them.

As such, when it comes to dating, girls will often find that shy guys are a bit mysterious.

Shy guys prefer to put the spotlight on someone else.

They’re not comfortable answering the questions.

Instead, they’ll ask questions about others.

As a result, the girl might volunteer quite a bit of information about herself, and the guy might only give a little bit of information.

This leaves girls wanting more since they want to understand who the mysterious guy is that they’re dating.

Almost everyone loves a mystery, and people are the biggest mysteries of all.

Girls who have a particular drive to solve mysteries might find someone who doesn’t give everything away on the first date to be quite interesting and exciting.

That’s especially true in today’s social world where it’s easy to know everything about something with a few clicks.

Oversharing due to social media is common.

A shy guy presents something new.

Because they keep information about themselves private, it encourages their partner to dig deeper and form a closer connection with them before such information gets revealed.

This is far different from guys who aren’t shy.

They don’t feel quite so reserved.

They don’t feel a need to keep certain qualities about their private life in the dark.

They’ll share their entire life story on the first or second date.

They’re not as mysterious since everything is out in the open.

As such, some girls might not find them quite as attractive.

Girls like shy guys because they’re often seen as mysterious.


4. Observant

cheerful man smiling while looking at cellphone of his girlfriend isolated over yellow background


Another great feature of shy guys is that they’re observant.

Since shy guys don’t spend a lot of time talking, all that energy goes into observation instead.

One might even say that a reason guys are shy in the first place is that they’re observing too much.

They tend to think that others are speaking about them or judging them.

That internal fight-or-flight mode gets switched on, and they have to become wary of their surroundings.

The primal part of their brain is looking for an attack.

As a result, they just become more observant instead.

In the dating world, this could be a great feature to have.

Being observant of your partner means you become aware of certain things that they like and don’t like.

You’re able to remember those things, then perform certain acts in the future that call back to those moments.

For example, if a girl mentions that her favorite food is spaghetti because she has fond memories of eating it with her grandma, then an observant partner can use that information.

They can prepare a spaghetti dinner for their partner to mark a special occasion.

Their partner may love it and feel seen.

Being observant is also helpful in reading your partner.

It can help tell you if your partner is in a bad mood, if they’re trying to tell you something, or even if they’re scared.

You can then react accordingly.

Since shy guys are more observant, they’re able to react to their partners accurately.

Girls appreciate someone who sees them.

This is different from a guy who isn’t observant.

They may be completely unaware that the things they’re saying or doing are making their partner uncomfortable.

Girls like shy guys because they’re more observant.


5. Less Likely To Say The Wrong Thing

Mysterious bearded young man makes shush gesture


Girls also like shy guys because they’re less likely to say the wrong thing.

This happens for two reasons.

The first is the observant nature that shy guys have.

Because they’re more observant, they’re able to tell when their partner isn’t happy about something.

Even if they’re not completely sure what the trigger behind their partner’s unhappiness is, they’re observant enough to know that something is bothering them.

This can then allow them to respond in kind.

They might ask their partner what’s wrong or do something to help comfort them.

This might avoid a fight or give their partner the confidence they need to speak about their feelings.

The second reason is the simple fact that shy guys don’t talk as much.

If you don’t talk as often, then you’re less likely to say something dumb.

Guys who aren’t shy might completely miss the mark if their partner isn’t happy.

For one, they might not be observant enough to know what’s going on.

Secondly, because they have no problem talking, they might talk over their partner instead of letting their partner speak about the problem.

They might also jump to conclusions which can only make the situation more frustrating.

It can be very frustrating for girls to try and get their point across when someone is gaslighting them or speaking over them.

Shy guys, by their very nature, talk less than other guys.

It’s less likely that they’re going to say the wrong thing since they don’t talk a lot as a whole.

As a result, girls like shy guys since they feel that they can get their point across a lot easier.


6. Don’t Appear As Clingy Or Needy

man smiling cheerful with a big smile on face showing teeth, positive and happy expression


A problem that some guys have is that they can appear clingy or needy.

For example, someone who isn’t shy might text their partner and expect an immediate response back.

They’re talkative people, so they might get annoyed when their partner doesn’t text them back quickly enough.

They might choose to send text after text after that.

That can make them appear clingy or needy.

Few people enjoy a clingy or needy partner since it’s quite exhausting.

Shy guys don’t typically appear that way.

Since they’re not very talkative, they might send a text or two.

If their partner doesn’t respond quickly enough, they’re fine with it.

They have their own activities and interests to occupy themselves with while they wait for a response.

Since they don’t appear clingy or needy, the relationship is a lot more relaxed.

Both partners are able to do their own things without worrying that they’re neglecting the other partner’s needs.

Clingy guys can also be annoying in social settings.

They might not let their partners socialize with others in peace.

They have to always be there with them.

It might even become a problem if the partner becomes jealous that their partner spends time with their friends.

It can quickly become a toxic situation.

Shy guys prefer their own space.

They’re more than happy for their partners to get some time on their own or to spend it with their friends.

Being clingy or needy sometimes isn’t a bad thing.

However, few people have the required patience to deal with a clingy or needy partner 100% of the time.

It’s just too exhausting.

Girls like shy guys because they don’t appear as clingy or needy.


7. Lack Of Arrogance

Asian young handsome smart shying embarrassing guy male


One of the biggest reasons girls like shy guys is a lack of arrogance.

Arrogance is often an unattractive quality.

A lot of guys can seem arrogant because it’s their way of appearing confident.

It’s also how some guys exhibit their masculinity.

Arrogance can be grating, however.

Shy guys tend to lack arrogance in most situations.

Because they’re quiet by nature, there are few opportunities for them to boast about themselves.

Shyness often goes along with introversion.

Introverted people prefer to keep to themselves.

They don’t want to draw attention to themselves.

The act of being arrogant is to draw attention to oneself.

It forces everyone to admire the particular skill you’re boasting about and acknowledge that you are the master of that skill.

Shy guys want as little attention as possible.

Instead of verbally boasting about their skills, they let their actions speak for themselves.

If anyone pays attention to those actions and draws notice to them, it’s a lot less nerve-wracking to receive attention in that way.

It’s someone else boasting about your skills rather than you boasting about your own skills.

Girls find that attractive since they don’t always find arrogance attractive.

It’s sometimes seen as an annoying quality.

As such, girls find shy guys attractive because they’re not prone to being arrogant.


8. Great Listeners

Nice pleasant couple talking to each other


Another main reason girls like shy guys is that they’re great listeners.

Because shy guys don’t talk a lot, they allow their partners to do all the talking.

This is great for women because they don’t always get to speak their minds.

Society often quiets them.

In male-female relationships, it’s a common stereotype that the woman talks and the man is oblivious to her words.

Shy guys tend to listen more than non-shy guys.

Since they prefer not to talk themselves, they pay more attention to the one who is speaking.

This is an attractive quality because it makes girls feel heard and seen.

A lot of people just want someone to listen to them.

Shy guys provide that experience.

Because of that, girls like them.


9. They Allow Their Partners To Shine

Portrait of young 35s just married couple in love


Girls also like shy guys because they’re allowed to shine in the relationship.

Guys who aren’t shy may just want to talk about themselves and their own accomplishments.

They might also talk about their partner’s accomplishments for them.

Shy guys allow their partners to do all the talking.

In social settings, they have no problem letting their partner take the spotlight and shine.

This is an attractive quality because it can make a girl feel like she’s the belle of the ball.

She’s not under the thumb of a socially-oppressive partner.

Because her partner is shy, she’s the one who gets to start the conversation or choose the topic of conversation.

Girls like shy guys because they’re eager to give her the spotlight.


10. Less Risky

Shy guy tries to ask lovely woman for date


A final reason that girls like shy guys is that they’re less risky.

At the very least, they appear to be a less risky partner.

That’s because shy guys, by their very nature, prefer not to talk to strangers.

As such, it’s very unlikely that they’re going to find someone at a party to hook up with.

They tend to be less likely to cheat.

They don’t have the desire to go out and speak to other women.

Since they’re less likely to cheat, they’re seen as a safer option.



Shy guys may find it hard to approach women, but they’re doing themselves a disservice.

Girls like shy guys due to their observant nature and all the reasons listed above.

As such, shy guys might just find a lot of success in love if they can just take the first step.


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