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HomePopular QuestionsDo Girls Like Being Asked Out? (10 Reasons They Do)

Do Girls Like Being Asked Out? (10 Reasons They Do)


One of the hardest parts of dating is asking someone out on a date.

It requires you to be brave and put your heart on the line.

In today’s modern world, you may wonder if girls even still like having a guy ask them out.

From showing confidence to having a traditional viewpoint of romance, here are a few reasons why girls like it when others ask them out on a date.


Do Girls Like Being Asked Out? (10 Reasons They Do)


1. Shows Initiative

Beautiful couple having coffee on a date


One of the reasons why girls like it when others ask them out on a date is that it shows initiative.

It shows that you’re willing to step up when it’s necessary even when it isn’t easy.

After all, putting yourself out there isn’t easy.

Most girls will recognize the difficulty and vulnerability of the situation and appreciate your attempt.

Even if they turn you down, they’ll likely do so in a polite way rather than an unkind one.

Girls who appreciate initiation might even accept your offer.

Showing initiation is something that a lot of people enjoy.

Employers like it since it means they have to spend less time babysitting their employees.

Partners like it because it helps them have a moment of laziness or relaxation.

While initiation is certainly something both partners should practice, the one who first initiates usually impresses the other.

It suggests that you’re serious about your intentions.

You wouldn’t have gone through the effort if you didn’t mean it.

Because of that, girls might have more of an interest in you.

Some girls like it when others ask them out because it demonstrates a go-getter attitude which they might find attractive.


2. Shows Confidence

Young man coming to cafe table getting acquainted with beautiful woman he liked


There’s no question that asking a girl out requires some confidence.

This is especially true if you’re in a crowded space where everyone can see whether they’re going to accept your offer or turn you down.

It’s like being under a spotlight while you pour your heart out to someone.

If you get turned down, it can be pretty humiliating even if they’re gentle about it.

Since you’re exposing yourself like that, it takes some type of bravery and courage to do it in the first place.

Girls who like confident men will likely appreciate your effort.

If you ask them out in a confident way, it might score you even more points.

Girls who appreciate confident men usually like being asked out on a date.

It also means they’re less likely to enjoy having to be the one to ask someone out in return.

They want a man who has the confidence to do it himself.

Some girls like it when others ask them out because it shows that the other person is confident about themselves.


3. Establishes Interest

side view of handsome man and young woman flirting and smiling each other while working n cafe


Another reason some girls like it when others ask them out is that it’s an easy way to tell if someone likes you or not.

Usually, when you ask someone out on a date, it’s because you have an interest in them.

That interest might be sexual, romantic, or both.

If you’ve been talking to a girl for some time but haven’t asked her out yet, she might be a bit confused about your intentions.

She may be unsure if you intend on remaining just friends or if you have an interest in her.

When you finally ask her out, that gets rid of the mystery.

They know for sure that you have some sort of interest in them.

This can make a girl feel pretty good about herself.

Knowing that someone likes you or has an interest in you can be a pretty heady feeling.

For one, you don’t feel quite as alone or lonely as before.

You have someone who has an interest in spending time with you and getting to know you.

Even if the girl doesn’t know the person asking them out, it’s still a good feeling to get an offer all the same.

They may decline the offer, but they’ll still feel good about having attracted someone’s attention.

It means they stood out from the others.

Some girls like it when others ask them out because it means someone has an interest in them which makes them feel good about themselves.


4. Seen As Romantic

Young surprised couple family man woman in white clothes


Asking someone out is also often seen as romantic.

Granted, this usually depends on how the person is asking.

If they just walk up to someone in the club or bar and ask them out, it isn’t the most romantic offer.

Other guys take things up a notch in the hopes of getting the answer they want.

They might go all out and order a bunch of flowers before asking a girl out.

Others might perform a song or some other sort of routine before asking the girl out on a date.

Others might recite a poem or take them out on a friendly date before really asking them out on a date.

Whatever the method, in some cases, asking a girl out on a date can be quite romantic.

Some girls may even find that simply asking her out on a date is romantic, in itself.

It’s certainly more romantic than just ending up on a date because you both fancied some food and decided to get it together.

Some girls love romance.

Whether they’re just romantic at heart or grew up watching romance films, they may have certain ideas about how someone should ask them on a date.

When you successfully meet their expectations, they feel quite romanced.

That makes them feel pretty good about themselves and you.

Some girls like having others ask them out because it’s seen as romantic.


5. Indicates You’re Willing To Put In Effort

Attractive young couple in love sitting at the cafe table outdoors


Some girls also like it when others ask them out on a date because it indicates that the guy is willing to put effort into the relationship.

If they had to ask you out, for example, instead of you asking them out, they might believe that you’re not invested enough.

That might set the tone for the beginning part of your relationship.

They might have that idea about you until you prove yourself otherwise.

Since that can color their perception or idea of you, you might find yourself in an uphill battle of proving yourself otherwise.

If you were to ask her out first, it shows that you’re invested in the relationship.

You’re invested in the idea of them.

This gives her more confidence about accepting your offer.

It indicates to her that you’re willing to put in the work to make a relationship successful.

That means a lot to certain girls who date seriously.

They’re not interested in playing around or wasting time.

They want a partner who is ready to make things work and truly invest.

That’s why some girls like it when others ask them out.

They’re able to get an idea as to if the person is going to work alongside them to make a successful relationship.


6. Traditional Method

Man kneeling down beg forgiveness at girlfriend inside car


Another reason some girls like it when others ask them out is that it’s the more traditional method.

Back in the old days, it was practically, exclusively, men who asked women out on dates.

Even further beyond those days, men had to ask the women’s parents for permission to take her out on a date.

They couldn’t even go on a date by themselves either.

They were usually accompanied by a chaperone.

Either someone from the family, a friend, or a servant would accompany the two on a date to ensure nothing untoward occurred.

Courtship and chaperones eventually fell by the wayside as children became more independent from their parents.

However, it took a bit longer for the traditional idea that men should be the only ones to ask girls out on dates to die.

These days, girls have just as much opportunity and freedom to ask guys out on dates.

Some guys, like those who are shy or introverted, might even appreciate it if a girl asks them out instead.

That said, there are some girls out there who still have a traditional mindset about dating.

They may think less of a guy if he isn’t the one to ask them out first.

Even if they don’t have traditional viewpoints about anything else, they may wait for the guy to make the first move.

Some girls may not even realize that they can ask a guy out, too.

If their parents raised them in a strictly traditional household, they might just automatically assume that it’s always the guy who asks first.

As such, some girls like it when a guy asks them out because they believe that’s how it should be.


7. Makes Them Feel Special

Portrait of young beautiful couple on a date drinking coffee in cafe


Another big reason why girls like to get asked out is that it makes them feel special.

If you ask a girl out in a crowded room, it means you saw them among all the other faces in there.

Even if she’s with a group of friends, it means you saw her among all her other friends.

That makes a person feel a bit special.

It means they stood out positively.

They garnered your interest.

Even if they decline your offer of a date, they still feel quite special that they attracted your attention all the same.

Feeling special can make someone feel extremely good about themselves.

It gives them an ego boost.

If they were having a rough day, having made them feel special might make them feel warmer toward you.

Everyone likes to feel special now and then.

That’s why some girls like it when others ask them out.

They feel special at that moment.


8. Gives Them Some Power

Seducing beautiful woman looking at her lover with wine glass. Having romantic talk


When you ask someone out on a date, you’re giving them a lot of power over you.

You’re putting yourself in a very vulnerable state.

This, in turn, allows them to have some power.

They’re able to decide whether to break your heart or give you a reason to hope that you might have a relationship with them.

Some girls might find that power particularly exciting.

Some might laud it over you while others will be gentle with the power given to them.

That can also tell you a lot about the person you’re asking out.

Having power over someone else can feel pretty amazing.

This is particularly true if you’re not used to having that sort of power.

Girls, in particular, aren’t always given the opportunity to feel very powerful in their own lives.

When someone asks them out, they get a taste of some of that power.

It can be a fun experience for them while being a terrifying experience for you.

Some girls like it when someone asks them out on a date because it gives them power.


9. Opportunity To Determine Politeness

Couple drinking coffee in a coffee shop


Some girls use the opportunity to determine a few aspects of the one asking them out.

They like it when someone asks them out because it allows them to make a few quick judgments about the person’s character.

That can then tell them whether the person is worth pursuing romantically or not.

For example, if they get asked by a guy who acts arrogant, and they don’t like arrogance, then they can quickly surmise that the relationship probably wouldn’t be successful.

If they’re asked by a guy who is sweet and polite, it suggests that they might be a romantic or kind person.

That might encourage them to accept the offer.

Turning a person down can also help them glean some details of a person’s character.

If they turn a guy down and he ends up being nasty to them, they know that they dodged the bullet.

Meanwhile, if the guy is gracious about the refusal, she might keep that in mind should she ever see him again.

The act of someone asking them out basically gives girls the chance to judge certain qualities of someone’s character before the date even begins.


10. Lack Of Confidence To Ask Themselves

Portrait of nice sweet charming lovely attractive cheerful cheery positive confused flirty couple


A final reason why some girls like it when others ask them out is that they lack the confidence to do it themselves.

They may not feel it’s up to guys to ask girls out in a traditional sense.

Instead, they may just lack the courage to stick their necks out and ask.

They may have an interest in a guy, and they may even believe that the guy also has an interest in them, but they may be too scared of rejection to ask them out on a date.

Instead, they’d prefer the guy to ask them out because they feel more comfortable.

They’re not comfortable with being that vulnerable when asking out the guy, themselves.

When a guy asks them out instead, they may feel some relief since they weren’t the ones who had to do it.

As such, they feel a bit more appreciative when a guy is the one who takes that step.



Girls likely get quite a few offers from guys in certain situations like clubs or bars.

It may make you wonder if they enjoy getting asked out or if they’re tired of it.

Certain reasons like feeling special and being too nervous to ask themselves, as well as the other reasons listed above, are some of the reasons why girls do like it when others ask them out on a date.


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